Up There in the Gift Hall of Fame


A question, chewable, rewarding, maybe forever:

What’s the most important thing

you’ve learned in this lifetime

(so far)?

My answer: 

How we define our world actually creates our world.

Your answer:


This isn’t a contest,

merely an opportunity 

for each of us to look within 

and be enriched 

(maybe shocked, maybe delighted)

by what we find.

Right up there in the gift hall of fame, 

I’d say.

Never passé,

always expansive,

easy to share.


  1. Outside the confines of one’s mind, another’s world continues. Thank you for your thoughts and ideas, Steve.

  2. “It’s never too early to start beefing up your obituary.”
    I’m kidding, but I kind of like that one. Actually, what I’ve learned (so far) is:
    “As you think, then so shall you be.”
    Which is actually quite similar to what you’ve learned (again, so far).
    I think our thoughts are very important. They can create magic, but also the deepest despair.
    This can be a slippery slope, as it’s probably more important to know that I am NOT my thoughts. So who am I? The one who realizes that.
    Happy Holidays, Steve!

  3. My favorite mantra thanks to Abraham (Esther Hicks) – The basis of life is freedom; the purpose of life is joy; the result of life is growth. For me in this incarnation is to grow through first learning to love myself in order to share my love with others. I was fortunate enough to find a way to make a living doing this and helping others do the same.

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