
Everything is a Gift: The Sound of Hope

(From the Archive 2011) Choosing Love When it Comes to Chicks

I’m not exactly sure what it means to be a feminist, but I assume it includes considering females beyond gender stereotypes.  If that’s reasonably close, then the first big feminist choice I remember making occurred in 1957 when I decked Kathy McMinn as she was racing for home. Read More

Up There in the Gift Hall of Fame


A question, chewable, rewarding, maybe forever:

What’s the most important thing

you’ve learned in this lifetime

(so far)? Read More

Ginsberg’s Reminder

If you were to die today, would your last thought be, “Please don’t let Trump replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg before the election”?  

Or maybe the reverse: “Please let Trump replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg before the election”? 

Either way, the thunder and lightning ignited by justice Ginsberg’s death makes it easy to fantasize that, for some of us, one of those thoughts might color our grand farewell, should it occur any minute now.  Read More

Heal and Move Mountains

Looking around suggests there are a lot of us who might feel, “I was made for this time.”  To be a grounded, loving force in the face of catastrophe.  How well we can pull it off is a whole other matter, speaking for myself.  All I know, it’s who I’ve always aspired to be.  What I’ve been in training for. Read More

What Makes Us Angry?


My friend is invariably offended by those who salt their language with profanity.  I’m hoping he’ll get so wigged out by it that his heart explodes and he drops dead.  Don’t worry, I’m not being cruel, I know what will happen next.  It happened to me. Read More

"I honor that we are killing the earth for the same reason I consider being an alcoholic a privilege: it is a doorway to the profound self-understanding required to make truly healthy choices."

The Essay: Honoring the Killing of the Earth